Building a Sustainable Future: The Role of Green Travel 🌿🌍

The Rise of Sustainable: Sustainable travel, often referred to as eco-travel or eco-tourism, encompasses a range of practices aimed at minimizing the environmental impact of travel while supporting local communities. The concept emphasizes responsible travel that seeks to preserve the natural environment and promote the well-being of local populations.

The term “eco-travel” emerged in the 1980s, followed shortly by “sustainable travel,” which broadened the focus to include social and economic dimensions. Over the years, the importance of sustainable travel has grown significantly, driven by increasing awareness of climate change and environmental degradation. Today, travellers worldwide are more conscious of their carbon footprints and the overall impact of their journeys. This heightened awareness has spurred a demand for travel options that align with environmental conservation and community support, making sustainable travel a pivotal aspect of the modern travel industry.

Social Sentiment on Sustainable Travel: The 2023 survey, which gathered responses from over 33,000 participants across 35 countries, underscores a strong global sentiment towards sustainable travel. According to the survey, 74% of travellers believe that making more sustainable travel choices is crucial for preserving the planet for future generations.

Sustainable travel is becoming increasingly popular, with 33% of respondents having already stayed in sustainable accommodations, and 62% planning to do so in the coming year. To facilitate this growing trend, offers over 500,000 properties worldwide with a Travel Sustainable badge, making it easier for travellers to identify and choose eco-friendly accommodations.

However, the survey also highlighted some challenges. Despite the interest in sustainable accommodations, 44% of travellers reported not knowing how to find them. This indicates a need for better accessibility and awareness of sustainable travel choices. If these options were more readily available and easier to find, more travellers would likely consider them for their future trips.

Economic considerations also play a significant role in sustainable travel decisions. Nearly half (49%) of the respondents felt that sustainable travel options are too expensive, even though 43% are willing to pay extra for travel options with sustainable certifications. The survey reveals a tension between the desire to travel sustainably and the perceived cost barriers, particularly considering the global energy crisis and rising living costs.


Sustainable Activities and Their Impact: Eco-Friendly Accommodation

Choosing eco-friendly accommodation is a significant step toward sustainable travel. Various types of sustainable accommodations offer unique benefits for travellers and the environment.

Green hotels have a substantial positive impact on the environment. Certified sustainable accommodations typically consume 25% less energy and 11% less water compared to non-certified buildings. This reduction in resource consumption directly translates to lower carbon emissions. For instance, hotels with LEED certification often report significant decreases in energy use and greenhouse gas emissions. EarthCheck-certified hotels have demonstrated reductions in their carbon footprint by up to 20% through energy-efficient measures and the use of renewable energy sources.

Moreover, green hotels contribute to waste reduction and improved waste management. Many certified hotels implement comprehensive recycling programs and policies to minimize single-use plastics, thereby reducing the overall waste generated. Green Key-certified hotels, for example, adhere to stringent waste management protocols, ensuring that waste is minimized, and resources are conserved.

By choosing to stay in eco-friendly accommodations, travellers not only support environmental conservation efforts but also encourage the hospitality industry to adopt more sustainable practices. This collective effort helps mitigate climate change, preserve natural habitats, and promote a healthier, more sustainable planet for future generations.

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Remote island tour with eco-friendly accommodation, offered by Tao Philippines. Photo by Roberto de Franca.


Eco-Lodges: Located in natural settings, eco-lodges are designed to have minimal environmental impact. They utilize renewable energy sources and sustainable building materials, providing an immersive experience in nature while promoting conservation.

Green Hotels: These hotels adhere to environmentally friendly practices, focusing on energy conservation and waste reduction. They use eco-friendly products and often implement recycling programs, making them a great choice for environmentally conscious travellers.

Community-Based Tourism: Managed by local communities, this form of tourism ensures equitable distribution of tourism benefits and supports local economies. By staying in community-based accommodations, travellers can engage more deeply with the local culture and contribute directly to community development.

Green Certifications

When selecting sustainable accommodations, look for certifications and standards to ensure eco-friendly practices. Here are some key certifications:

  • LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design): This certification indicates that buildings meet high sustainability criteria, focusing on energy efficiency, water conservation, and the use of sustainable materials. To obtain LEED certification, hotels must undergo a thorough evaluation process, including design and construction reviews, and meet specific performance benchmarks in areas such as energy use and indoor environmental quality.
  • Green Key: An international eco-label for hotels committed to sustainable practices, including energy conservation, waste reduction, and environmental management. Hotels seeking Green Key certification must comply with a set of environmental criteria and undergo regular audits to ensure ongoing compliance and continuous improvement in their environmental practices.
  • EarthCheck: Based on scientific benchmarking and sustainability standards, EarthCheck certification is awarded to accommodations that demonstrate a commitment to environmental excellence. Hotels must provide data on their environmental performance, participate in regular benchmarking, and undergo third-party audits to maintain their certification.
  • Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC): This organization manages global sustainable tourism standards, ensuring that certified accommodations adhere to rigorous environmental and social criteria. To achieve GSTC certification, hotels must align their operations with the GSTC Criteria, undergo an assessment by a GSTC-accredited certification body, and demonstrate continuous improvement in sustainability practices.
  • Green Globe: This certification is based on internationally accepted criteria for sustainable operation and management, emphasizing continuous improvement in sustainability practices. Hotels must complete a detailed application, provide evidence of their sustainability initiatives, and undergo independent audits to achieve and maintain Green Globe certification.

These certifications provide assurance that accommodations adhere to rigorous environmental standards, helping travellers make responsible choices and support sustainability in tourism. By staying in certified eco-friendly accommodations, you can significantly reduce your travel footprint and contribute to the preservation of natural and cultural heritage.

Choose Eco-Friendly Travel Modes: Understanding Your Impact

When planning your next trip, consider the environmental impact of your chosen mode of transportation. According to the Glasgow Declaration on Climate Action in Tourism, tourism-related transport, including air, road, and rail, accounts for 5% of global CO2 emissions. Air travel alone produces a large amount of pollution due to the large amount of fuel consumed during flights, particularly during take-off and landing. According to Our World in Data, the average emissions from air travel in 2022 were approximately 127 grams of CO2 equivalent per passenger-kilometre, contributing around 2.5% to global CO2 emissions.

An airplane wing over a body of waterDescription automatically generated
Aerial view of Sydney captured during a flight. Photo by Carlos Colonia.


In contrast, trains are much more eco-friendly, producing only about 14 grams of CO2 per passenger-kilometre. They are more efficient because they can carry many passengers at once and often use electricity, which can be generated from renewable sources. Cars emit around 120 grams of CO2 per kilometre, with electric and hybrid cars offering more sustainable alternatives. Traditional gasoline and diesel vehicles, however, remain major contributors to pollution.

Surprisingly, cruise ships are among the worst offenders when it comes to environmental impact. The UNWTO reports that maritime transport, including cruises, accounts for around 3% of global CO2 emissions. A single cruise ship can emit as much pollution as one million cars in a single day, producing large amounts of CO2, sulfur oxides, and other pollutants that significantly affect both air and water quality.

By understanding the pollution levels associated with different modes of transport, you can make more informed and eco-friendly travel decisions. Opting for trains or carpooling in efficient vehicles can significantly reduce your carbon footprint, while being aware of the significant impact of air travel and cruises can guide you towards more sustainable choices.

UN Initiatives to Mitigate Environmental Impact of Tourism

The United Nations has implemented several policies to address the environmental impact of tourism and promote sustainable practices. Key among these initiatives is the One Planet Sustainable Tourism Programme, which aims to decouple tourism growth from environmental degradation by encouraging sustainable consumption and production practices. This program focuses on reducing resource consumption and waste, minimizing carbon footprints, and fostering biodiversity conservation.

Another significant initiative is the Global Tourism Plastics Initiative, led by the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) and the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO). This initiative seeks to eliminate problematic plastics, promote circular economy principles, and ensure that all plastic packaging can be reused, recycled, or composted.

The Glasgow Declaration on Climate Action in Tourism is another crucial policy framework, urging stakeholders in the tourism industry to commit to halving emissions by 2030 and reaching net zero by 2050. It emphasizes the need for collaborative action and the integration of climate considerations into tourism planning and operations.

Through these comprehensive policies, the UN aims to mitigate the environmental impacts of tourism, promote sustainable practices, and support the transition towards a more sustainable and resilient tourism industry.

Take Action: Tips for Sustainable Travel

Embracing sustainable travel is crucial for reducing the environmental impact of our holidays and ensuring the preservation of natural and cultural heritage for future generations. By making informed and eco-friendly travel choices, we can contribute to a more sustainable tourism industry. Here are a few tips to become a more sustainable traveller:

  1. Choose Eco-Friendly Accommodations: Look for hotels and lodges with certifications like LEED, Green Key, EarthCheck, GSTC, or Green Globe, which ensure high standards of environmental sustainability.
  1. Opt for Sustainable Transportation: Whenever possible, travel by train or bus instead of flying. If flying is necessary, consider direct flights to minimize carbon emissions. Use public transport, bike, or walk at your destination.
  1. Support Local Economies: Stay in community-based accommodations, eat at locally-owned restaurants, and purchase goods from local artisans to ensure your travel benefits the local community.
  1. Conserve Resources: Be mindful of your water and energy use. Turn off lights and air conditioning when not in use, and reuse towels and linens to reduce laundry demands.  

A house on the shore of a lakeDescription automatically generated
A serene view of the Bergen countryside in Norway, with lush green fields and mountainous backdrops. Photo by Carlos Colonia.


By following these tips and supporting sustainable practices, you can help ensure that your travels have a positive impact on the environment and local communities.


50% of tourists want sustainable holidays despite cost: (2023, June 28). Euronews.

Bennett, P. (2023, April 18). Survey of Travelers Finds 76% Want More Sustainable Options. EcoWatch.

Falk, M. T., & Hagsten, E. (2021). Determinants of CO2 emissions generated by air travel vary across reasons for the trip. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 28(18), 22969-22980.

Latest Sustainable Travel Data Reveals Ongoing Challenges for Consumers & Highlights a Heightened Opportunity for Cross-Industry Collaboration. (n.d.). Latest Booking.Com Sustainable Travel Data Reveals Ongoing Challenges for Consumers & Highlights a Heightened Opportunity for Cross-Industry Collaboration. Retrieved 15 June 2024, from

New research reveals the trends driving sustainable travel in 202 | Click. Magazine. (2023, April 20). Booking.Com for Partners.

Rising popularity of sustainable accommodations highlighted in Booking.Com Report. (n.d.). Retrieved 15 June 2024, from

